
because Wednesday ended 19 minuets ago.

 + Tonight made me grateful for real conversations that make you feel alive, bffs & food. I caught up with one of my oldest friends. I have been packing my room the last couple days, I found letters we had written back & forth over the years. Little pen pals since the 5th grade. We have never lived in the same state but have kept in touch over the years. I had found some letters that I never sent & she made me read them to her in the car after dinner. There are certain people that you don't see very often but when you do, both of you can pick up right where you left off. I think that is one of the best feelings in the world. She is still 'emmamysoulsisterbrink' in my phone. She gives me reassurance that I have the faith to go on a mission & I will be okay. She said something along the lines, 'god has given us so much that giving him 18 months is the least we can do'. Then I thought duh 'Elizabeth you can do this, you have the faith to do this'. 
+ ideally red box & ice cream could happen every night.
+ Monday emails are carried throughout the week. "please listen to ellie goulding & bon iver today.
adele came on in the store today and I almost started crying I was so happy". just for you here & here. 
+ Ellie Goulding is coming in concert in May & everyone should attend in my place. 
+ I finally feel myself getting out of this funk I have been in the past couple of weeks & I literally want to jump for joy. Maybe it has to do with the fact January is almost over, thank the heavens.
+ The Fault in Our Stars just released the trailer. I don't know if I cried because I have to wait 2 years or because the trailer was just that good.
+ 'getting loco 'till the lights out'. Fav lyric of the week.
+ Rainy days make for good days.

1 comment:

  1. I seriously can't wait for Fault in the Stars!!! I just watched the trailer like 3 times in a row... with tears in my eyes.... haha
